Different Order Statuses

In Shipedge orders are associated with a status at any given time. Most frequently they enter the system as “Pending,” move to “Processing,” and finally “Shipped.” This article will help to explain each status and the best way to handle them.


Complete orders with no errors will enter the system in Pending status. In this status, the oms side still has “control” of the order, meaning that the order can be held or edited. When they move to “Processing” they can no longer be edited without reverting to Pending. Consider this as the separation between OMS control and WMS control of the order. 

ProcessingOrders in Processing status are in full warehouse control but have not shipped yet. 


After an order has printed a label or been marked-as-shipped, the order moves to Shipped status. Orders in shipped status can still be reverted to Processing in the event that the order needs a different label. Orders must be in Shipped status to initiate a return. 


Orders enter via backorder when they do not have inventory assigned to them. They can be cleared by creating a replenishment for these items or entering the order from the OMS, clicking available actions, and going to the priority list to assign inventory.  

API Error


This status is for orders entering the OMS via API with incomplete/unusable data that needs to be resolved before the order can move to Pending. The system will name the channel from the order next to the red “X” icon. Clicking into this icon will take you to the API error page where the order can be fixed.


Orders can be held in the OMS and will receive this status. The order will essentially be paused, preventing the WMS from shipping it until the OMS releases it. 


This status is for orders currently being edited that must be submitted before they move to pending.


Divided status is understandably a status for orders that have been divided. The system stores the record of this order while creating new records of any divisions. Order “A” will become “A_1” and “A_2” while “A” will remain in divided status. 

Drop ShippedThis status shows to signify that an order has entered the system but will not require involvement from the warehouse because it has been drop shipped. Orders can be marked individually from the OMS by clicking into the order ->Available Actions -> Dropship. Alternatively, orders with SKUs configured to DC “Dropship” will have these SKUs split off into a separate order with Drop Shipped status.


 This alert will appear when an order was entered manually on Shipedge and left unsubmitted. To correct this, just enter the order, complete the steps, and submit.


Some clients pass orders from between multiple warehouses. When this path is not flowing quickly enough, this status will show for the order and may require troubleshooting. 

Awaiting Channel Response

Some clients pass orders from Shipedge to another integration. When this path is not flowing quickly enough, this status will show for the order and may require troubleshooting. 

Return By Carrier

Return by Carrier status occurs when an order has been returned to it’s return address by the carrier. This status only appears after the order has been marked as returned.