DSCO Integration

How to set-up in Shipedge:

Go to the Channel Automation view and look for the channel name “DSCO”. Insert your store name and click save. 

The configuration should be the following:

  • Client ID and Client Secret – those values will be provided by your DSCO contact person once you inform them you want to set-up an API connection. (*required) 
  • Status – this is the status of orders to be imported by, usually the value in DSCO is Created.
  • Date ranges when you would like to start the import of orders- Created Since(*required),Until  (* if left empty, the current date and time will be considered as the default for importing orders).
  • Warehouse code– Code of the warehouse where inventory will sync to. This value can be found in the DSCO account under Inventory.(*required)

The functionalities of the integration are as follows:

  • Import orders from DSCO.
  • Acknowledge orders (status is changes in DSCO once orders are successfully imported in Shipedge) 
  • Update orders as shipped in DSCO platform with tracking information.
  • Invoice the orders shipped in DSCO. 
  • Update inventory quantities for the existent products in DSCO (* SKU values need to match between the platforms).