How to Set Up Multivende Integration


  • Multivende steps
  • Shipedge steps

Multivende steps:

  1. Setup your account with Multivende.
  2. You need to create the Username, Password. These values are created by you and will be used to connect with Shipedge. 

Shipedge steps:

  1. Login into your OMS account from Shipedge.
  2. Browse to My Account > Preferences > Channel Automation and look for Multivende1 integration.
  3. Choose how you would like to name your store and click Add new store. 
  4. Enter your login information from Multivende : username and password. 
  5. Click on the List Merchants button and a popup will appear where you can authorize Shipedge to get a list of all the merchants that are configured in your Multivende account.
  6. In the Checkout delivery status field you need to write a comma separated list of delivery status to filter( for example :completed, pending)
  7. Click Save configuration.
  8. Click Get orders! to get orders from Multivende.