Opencart Integration
To integrate Opencart with Shipedge, you’ll need an extension for it.
You can acquire it on this link:
Here is the coupon code for 25% off
Once you have the extension, you can start the setup on Shipedge.
Log in into your OMS, go to My account -> Preferences -> Channel Automation
Look for Opencart

1. Service URL: Your Opencart base store URL (eg.
2. Secret Key: You can obtain it following this 50 seconds video
3. Order Status: Select the statuses that you would like the orders to be imported to Shipedge.
On the checkbox options, you’ll be able to select the integration actions, like getting orders, update tracking, and sync inventory.
Enable it according to your needs.
Once you finish it just click on Save configuration.
You’re all set, just keep in mind that the orders are automatically imported but they don’t come right away, the call happens every 30-45min.