WIX Integration Setup
Steps in WIX account:
- For connecting Wix Stores to Shipedge by using the Private app you will have to go to your Wix Developer Account at: https://dev.wix.com/
- Under the Wix Developers account select My Apps then select Create New App for connecting to Shipedge.
- Name your app “Shipedge-Integration” so it can be easily found if you have other applications available in your account.
- Under the Wix Developers account select My Apps then select Create New App for connecting to Shipedge.
- The next step is to go under the OAuth menu and copy the values for App ID and App Secret Key – you will need to add them in the Shipedge Integrations view. The Redirect and APP URL will be the following: https://WMS.shipedge.com/v2/wix_connect.php
- “WMS” – needs to be replaced with your warehouse code.
- “WMS” – needs to be replaced with your warehouse code.
- Go under Permissions: click on Add Permissions and search by Permission Category -> “Wix Stores”You will select all the permissions available: Read Orders, Products, Manage orders, Manage Stores and click save. This is step is very important.
- The app has been completely configured. Don’t forget to SAVE all the configurations.
- The app has been completely configured. Don’t forget to SAVE all the configurations.
- App Blockers.
- Recently Wix has implemented new conditions to deploy an App. These blockers will not allow your app to run unless the information required is submitted.
- There are 10 Blockers by default once you have completed the information required your app will be ready to submit.
- Each blocker has the option to fix it. Click on it and follow the instructions.
- Each time a blocker has its required info you can click on save and the red number next to the Blockers will decrease.
- These blockers are not blocking your main configuration or any connection with Shipedge they are just Wix validation.
Steps in Shipedge:
- To integrate Shopify, simply go to Shipedge OMS > My Account > Preferences > Channel Automation and look for WIX Private.
- Click on WIX Private add a new name and hit on Add new Store an alert will pop-up click on OK.
- New options will be available. The first section is the API Parameters.
- The API ID and the API Secret are the ones you got from the Wix Configuration step 2 OAuth. Please make sure they are well placed in their fields. Click on the Connect to Wix red button.
- A pop-up will appear, you will have to log in to your Wix account and will be redirected to the app that was just created. Accept the permissions and click Add to Site. The integration will fill automatically the Access token and Refresh token sections.
- The API ID and the API Secret are the ones you got from the Wix Configuration step 2 OAuth. Please make sure they are well placed in their fields. Click on the Connect to Wix red button.
- Go back to the API Parameters section and add the Order date to start importing from, please follow the format, the Payment status (PAID) of the orders imported, and the fulfillment status. You can decide which order fulfillment status will be pulled to Shipedge. Ex. NOT_FUILFILLED, FULFILLED, CANCELED, PARTIALLY_FULFILLED.
- Mark the checkbox for Getting orders functionality, Update tracking, and inventory updates as needed.
- Tracking updates and Inventory.
- Mark the Update Tracking box to get the tracking numbers assigned in Shipedge.
- Mark the Update Inventory to sync SKUS and Synsets.
- ****We highly suggest you do NOT check these two boxes in the Update Inventory section until your SKUs have been received into the Warehouse Management System. This will prevent any discrepancies in your inventory quantities on WIX Store.
- Save your Configuration.
- Click on the Save Configuration button placed above the API Parameters Section.
- Click on the Save Configuration button placed above the API Parameters Section.
- Address Verification, Residential Check, and Ship Method Translator.
- Hover on the Orders section and then select Integrations. Then, look up the Wix Private integration name you set up before.
- Click on the tool icon and check the Address Verification & Residential Check.
- Ship Methods and API Errors.
- As this is considered a new integration some orders may initially come in with an API Error. As they do please be sure to map the ship methods to prevent errors on future orders.
You can also map the Ship Methods by clicking the Checklist Icon and then selecting ShipMethod Translator.
- As this is considered a new integration some orders may initially come in with an API Error. As they do please be sure to map the ship methods to prevent errors on future orders.
- Hover on the Orders section and then select Integrations. Then, look up the Wix Private integration name you set up before.