How To Setup a Quickbooks Integration

  1. Log in to your account -> My Apps -> Create an app
  1. Select Quickbooks online and payments option.
  1. Finalize your app name and scope details > Create app
  1. Navigate to Production -> Keys & credentials -> Fill out Production settings details
  1. Copy/Paste “” into Terms of service links and the End-user license agreement Url. 
  2. Copy/Paste the App URLs from your Shipedge OMS account: -> My Account -> Preferences -> API Integration. NOTE: Please make sure to follow the given path to verify your server name. The example given below may not be the same as in your system.
  1. Select your app’s use case(s) and industries as applicable.

5 Save your Production settings

7. Keys & OAuth, Put URL + quickbooks/connect.php. In this case NOTE: As mentioned before this link is just an example

In Shipedge

  • In your OMS account navigate to -> My Account -> Preferences -> Channel Automation -> Quickbooks -> Connect.
  • In this window: make sure all the information is correct -> Create Store
  • Click Connect

Now, with our QB connection, you will be able to send order information to QuickBooks to:

  • Create Quickbooks Invoice.
  • Create customers (contacts).
  • Create products within Quickbooks.