How to Set Up CoreCommerce


  • CoreCommerce steps
  • Shipedge steps

CoreCommerce steps

  1. Setup your account with CoreCommerce.
  2. To configure your API account in CoreCommerce, navigate to Settings > Store API.
  3. You need to create the Username, Password, and XML Key you wish to assign to your store. These values are created by you and will be used to connect your store to Shipedge. 
  4. Once you have created these values, you need to save them including the Store Name and Connection URL .

Shipedge steps

  1. Login into your OMS account from Shipedge.
  2. Browse to My Account > Preferences > Channel Automation and look for CoreCommerce integration.
  3. Choose how you would like to name your store and click Add new store
  4. Enable the features you will be using:
    • Orders – for getting orders from CoreCommerce into Shipedge.
    • Update Tracking Number.
    • Sync SKUs and Synsets.
  5. Enter your CoreCommerce Username, Password, and XML Key. You will also need the Store Name and Connection URL.
  6. Click Save configuration.
  7. Click Get orders! to get orders from CoreCommerce.