Mapping Shipping Methods


In this article, we will show you how to map shipping methods.

This guide will explain how to fix shipping method errors causing orders to fail to import from an integration. If you have no current orders in error, the explanation of mapping begins in 3.1.

1. Finding The Orders

If you have orders coming into Shipedge in error status, you can view them by clicking this yellow “API errors” icon above. In this example, the orders are failing to import from an integration.

2. Seeing The Reason For Error Status

After clicking on the yellow “API errors” icon you will be taken to this page. The selected order went to error status because they came in with an Information Issue one of those would be the shipping method translator. This is resolved by mapping or translating these Shipping codes. You will get the following view.

In this case, the Ship Method field is missing so which means that you need to configure the ship method translator. There could be a case that other information is missing like the address or the zip code, etc.

3.1 Mapping Shipping Methods – Go To Orders -> Integrations

To map your incoming Shipping Methods go to Orders -> Integrations.

3.2 Mapping Shipping Methods – Integrations Page

Find the channel/shopping cart you wish to map, click on the Options button then the ShipMethod Translator link for that selling channel/shopping cart.

3.3 Mapping Shipping Methods – ShipMethod Translator Page

1. In this view, the Shipedge codes are on the left side with the dropdowns. These lists will include all active codes in your server.
2. The Shipping codes from the integration belong in the “Your Ship Code” column immediately to the right. If orders have already begun flowing into the system from the integration, the codes will auto-populate in this field. In other words, if you have errors due to Shipping Method from your integration, the shipping methods coming from the cart will be here in this “Your Ship Code” column.

3. Match the two columns. In the above example, orders from the integration have come in with “Free Shipping,” and the user has selected “FEG” for Fedex Ground, meaning that all orders from this integration with a “Free Shipping” code will be mapped to ship via Fedex Ground. 

4. In the fourth row, there is an asterisk in the “Your Ship Code” column. This means that all future methods from the integration will be mapped to FCD. In other orders, if an order comes from Shopify with “Carrier Pidgeon,” “Pizza Delivery” or “Armored Vehicle” as the shipping code, they will be shipped via FCD.
5. Click save when you are done.

6. The other fields are not necessary to clear errors or process orders from the integration. They are optional.

*****If you wish to map multiple different shipping methods from your shopping cart/selling channel to one shipping method in Shipedge you would have to use the Shipping Method Mapping button in the above picture to go to the custom Shipping Method Translator page where you can enter your custom codes. You would enter the one Shipedge shipping method on the left column as many times as you need to and then you would enter all your different shopping cart/selling channel shipping methods on the second column (the third column can be left empty as explained in step 3 above) so that all the different shipping methods point to 1 Shipedge shipping method and click Save.*******

4. Save Changes.

When you have finished mapping the shipping codes, return to the Orders view and click the “API errors” Icon again to view the orders in error. If the codes were mapped correctly, select the shipping method for this integration. Now you can click Save Changes to check the orders again. The order will be released from the API errors list and will be on Pending status which means that is ready for the WMS to process it.