Dispatch Track Integration
Step 1
Hover over orders and click Integrations. You can also access integrations via My Account > Preferences > Channel Automation
Step 2
Select Go To Channel Automation to add a new integration.
Step 3
3. Scroll down and click DispatchTrack_Warehouse. Add the name of the individual store. In this case we used our warehouse prefix (oms), and the number of the store to which we’re adding Dispatch Track (16). Click add new store to drop down the next menu.
Note: The “DispatchTrack_Warehouse” integration is more automated than going through the DispatchTrack integration. The latter still works but requires additonal information.
Step 4
4. First, add the exact Dispatch Track account name. SHIPEDGE searches Dispatch Track for your account so it must be exact. Make sure you check the Orders box, then save your configuration. Your store should now be integrated with Dispatch Track.
Note: It is possible to integrate multiple stores and multiple Dispatch Track accounts at once. Simply separate store names with commas and two store windows will show up.