Marketplace Transfers in Shipedge

    Shipedge provides the ability to transfer inventory between OMS accounts within the same warehouse (WMS) by using the Transfer Product tool.  This allows an OMS that is the inventory owner to transfer inventory to other OMS that would act as a seller account for the supplier OMS.

Setup steps:

  1. Seller OMS
  2. Supplier OMS
  3. WMS – Completes the transfer 

1.Seller OMS

    Getting Seller OMS API credentials:

  • Go to Seller OMS >  My Account >  Preferences.
  • Open the API integrations tab.
  • You will need the AccountID and Key for Supplier Distribution Center Configuration.

2.Supplier OMS

    Setting Up Distribution Center in Supplier OMS:

  1.     Go to Supplier OMS > Inventory > Distribution Centers.
  2.     Configuration > Create new Dropship DC.
  3. You will be redirected to the Channel Automation view > Distribution Centers:
    • Select Shipedge Channel
    • Assign a Name to the Distribution Center
    • Paste the Seller OMS Account ID and API Key from previous step
    • Enter your server code
    • Enter a Distribution Center Code (up to 5 characters)
    • Select Crossdock Option
    • Save Configuration
  4. This will auto-populate the Distribution Center data in the Supplier OMS.

    Create equivalent inventory and submit the transfer in Supplier OMS:

  1. In your Supplier OMS Select Inventory > Distribution Centers view.
  2. Click on Create Equivalent Inventory button.
  3. Go to Inventory view to verify that the  inventory was automatically created.

In order to make the transfer, the same inventory (same SKUs) must exist in the Seller OMS.

Transfer products from your Supplier OMS:

  • Go to Inventory> Transfer product
  • When the OMS user clicks the Transfer product link, they will see a popup window that will allow them to enter the qty to be transferred to the Seller OMS.  

This action will automatically:

  1. Create a replenishment for the SKUs quantity in the Seller OMS.
  2. Create a Transfer Order under the Supplier OMS.

3.WMS – Complete the transfer
  • Go to the WMS. Find the Transfer order in WMS > Pending view.
  • Enter the order and click on Process Transfer to complete the transfer order.
  • Confirm the transfer in the pop-up message (note that this action can’t be reverted).
  • The action will automatically:
  1. Move the transfer order to Shipped status.
  2. Transfer Inventory to Seller OMS.
  • Move the replenishment from In Transit Status to Processing Status for the WMS to complete.The WMS will be able to write a note or add charges (optional) before submitting the replenishment.