Using the Suppliers Page
Suppliers Page
The Suppliers page is used to view all the different suppliers that a vendor may use to supply their inventory.
1. Go Back – Return to the previous page.
2. Add Supplier – Used to create a new supplier.
3. Update Tracking Numbers – Update any tracking numbers you have for this shipping
4. Supplier ID – The identification number given to the supplier.
5. Supplier Nickname – The name of the supplier.
6. Special Instructions – Any special instructions or directions that pertain to that supplier.
7. Country – The location country of the supplier.
8. Zip code – The zip code of the location of the supplier.
9. Processing Time (In Days) – The amount of days it takes for the inventory to be processed from that supplier (shipping, etc.).
10. Stocking Time (In Days) – The amount of days it takes to stock the inventory from that supplier in the warehouse.
11. DropShipper Code – A dropship code if applicable for that supplier
12. Supplier Email – The email address for the main point of contact of the supplier.
13. Inline Edit/SKUs – Edit the SKUs associated with that specific supplier. Also lists the quantity of SKUs that come from that supplier.